_Second U.K. Borgward Drivers Club International Meeting May 12th to 14th 2017 |
A personal view of the Show, | by
Norman Williams |
I can honestly say the sun shone brightly on our meeting held at Arundel, W.Sussex. That was important because the meeting was held over two outdoor sites - Arundel Castle on the Saturday and, on the Sunday, Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre. The castle was not the usual pile of crumbling stone and tottering towers. There it stood, resplendently clad in smooth stone blocks, on a promontory of very high ground. A steady walk up to the castle main gate testified to the steepness of the slope. Little wonder that the castle had fallen to its foes on very few occasions in the past. The club had a reserved area, on a green sward of pasture at the foot of the rising ground. Not only was the castle backdrop impressive but, conveniently, our field was adjacent to the main walkway. Inquisitive members of the public were able to wander into our field and get a closer look at some beautiful Borgwards. The Amberley
Museum site was equally successful. Here it was arranged that our cars
be lined up along the main path in full view of visitors. The museum,
manned by volunteers, was a mixture of old technology, yet still within
the living memory of some of us and country crafts such as woodturning,
stone masonry, besom making, with associated hand tools and machinery.
Also, there was a working railway on which one could ride. Robert Richmond-Jones
gave a few words of greeting to, and continuing friendship with,our
continental visitors. At this point an American woman made her presence
known and told us all, that she was gathering memories of Borgward to
pre sent to her father whose 72nd birthday was coming up. He used to
own one. |
Web Album Arundel Castle
Web Album Amberley Museum
Borgward Owners, Family and Friends
After such a fantastic turnout and enthusiasm shown for the 1st UK Borgward Drivers Club meeting we thought we needed to aim higher and have decided to hold the meeting at two venues close together. Arundel town is small market town with a major bridging point over the River Arun and it was the lowest road bridge until 1908. Arundel Castle, the second largest in England, home to the Duke of Norfolk, was built by the Normans to protect that vulnerable fairly wooded plain to the north of the valley through the South Downs. The town later grew up on the slope below the castle to the south. Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre is set in a 36 acre site in the South Downs National Park. Dedicated to the industrial
heritage of the South East, exhibits include a narrow-gauge railway
and bus service (both provide free nostalgic travel around the site),
Connected Earth Telecommunications Hall, Milne Electricity Hall, Printing
Workshop and much more. Liz Watson has kindly offered
to help with the organization of this great meeting please register
using the form below. |
Liz Watson John Wallis |
llearnley@btopenworld.com Tel/Fax: 0044 (0)1243 672197 jbwallis@btinternet.com Tel 0044 (0)1932 352238 |
12th May 2017
19.30 Group dinner at the Crossbush Beefeater Grill next to the Crossbush Premier Inn hotel. Saturday 13th May 2017 10.00 Drive to Arundel Castle 1 mile from the Premier Inn hotel. An area called the Lower Lawn in front of the Castle will be available to display the vehicles. Entry tickets start at £9.00 per person (2015 prices) which includes parking, shop, café and restaurant, Fitzalan Chapel, the Collector Earl’s Garden and all the grounds and gardens. This increases to £18 (2015 price) per person if you would like to visit the whole castle. For further information available about
the castle including prices visit. Arundel Castle is in the heart of Arundel town which is full of antique and boutique shops plus a walkway by the Arun river, plenty of tea shops, pubs and restaurants. 17.00 Drive back to your respective hotels. 19.30 Group dinner at the
Crossbush Beefeater Grill next to the Crossbush Sunday 14th May 2017 09.30 Scenic drive from Arundel to Amberley Museum passing through typical South Downs countryside and villages. 10.00 Arrive at the Amberley
Museum and park in the grounds for the day. 15.00 UK AGM 17.00 Museum closes |
Please contact Liz Watson . llearnley@btopenworld.com Tel/Fax: 0044 (0)1243 672197or John Wallisjbwallis@btinternet.comTel 0044 (0)1932 352238 if you need help.