_Club News and Jottings 2020




September 2020

46th Borgward International Meeting Witten 28-30th August 2020 More click here

April 2020

It is with a heavy heart that I share news from Margret Ormsby that her husband and long time Canadian Borgward enthusiast George Ormsby has passed away. Margret advised us that we may donate in his name to his favorite charity DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS to honor his memory. Klaus Tietze is coordinating this effort and any contributions will be bundled in George's name and forwarded to DWB saying

"Donated by the Borgward Owner's Club (USA) in Memorium of George Ormsby." Contributions can be sent to Klaus's PayPal account at tietze@telus.net.



MARCH 2020


Greetings all

Owing to the lock down caused by the Corona Virus we are unable to proceed with the 40th celebration as planned for this year.

I have however been in discussion with Kirsty Westmacott at the Mercure Hotel and it has been agreed that the Club can postpone the event until 2021 upon the same terms as already agreed without penalty for early cancellation.

This means that all room bookings remain in place as does the plans for the Gala buffet dinner.

2nd to the 4th July 2021 is the popular choice.

My email address is:- robwenrj@btinternet.com

Keep well all of you.

Regards Robert.


As a result of the worsening situation surrounding the spread of the coronavirus and measures taken by governments to control the disease some events may be postponed At the we do not know if the AGM or Belgium meeting will take place but will update this page with the latest news

John Wallis Chairman



The Borgward Drivers Club A.G.M. is POSTONED UNTIL 2021


February 2020


POSTONED Click here for more information

January 2020

It is with sad news I have to report that Gordon Hobb dies Saturday 25th after a short illness.

Remembering Gordon

In June 2013 Rita and I went to Canada to see some friends of Rita’s.
We had long been promising to go as they had been asking us to go and see them for some time.
So we booked to go, they lived in a town called Kitchener, Ontario.
You can imagine my surprise when chatting to Norman, he tells me that a club member Gordon Hobb lives in Kitchener.
Before departing I contacted Gordon by email with a view to calling to see him.
he replied immediately with a very warm email saying he would look forward to our visit.
Arriving at our friends it turns out that they had booked various things for us to do :- Niagara Falls, CN Tower and a couple of trips out meant being out of Kitchener for part of our holiday.
Any way after contacting Gordon by phone we finally agreed a day and time to see them.
22nd June our wedding anniversary for which our friends had booked us in for a slap up meal in a local restaurant.
You can imagine our surprise on arriving at Joan and Gordon’s which was only about 4 miles from our friends to see that Joan had prepared a really superb spread of food.
We did our best to eat as much as we could but really did not do it justice.

After the meal Gordon then showed me round his garage along with his Coupé which was complete but in need of some work, he thought that it needed a re-spray which was probably about right.
The car also sported the American bumpers, over riders and rails which are quite popular over there but I am undecided myself.
The best was still to come, the first floor above the garage was completely shelved/racked out and full of Borgward parts.
I particularly remember 3 brand new Solex carbs.
Gordon told me an interesting story that many years ago the local Borgward dealer phoned him to say that they were closing down and were having a sale of parts and was he interested.
He went down by arrangement and bought all the parts he thought would be useful. Leaving loads of body parts trim bumpers etc.
A few weeks later he learned that they were all taken to the dump and buried.
His only comment was “if only I had known”

After spending several hours with them both looking at all the literature/pictures that he had and eating far too much food we left to go out with our friends for a meal.

Our over riding memories of them both is of a lovely couple who made us very welcome and to say that both Rita and I were very sad to hear of Gordon’s passing.

Colin and Rita Fortnam.


Gordon and Colin Fortnam in Canada before restoration work stated on Gordon's Coupé

Gordon's car ready for reassembly November last year.


First, on behalf of myself and the members of the Committee and other members Happy New Year.

Our celebration weekend is only 6 months away on the 12th to 14th June at The Mercure Hotel and you will recall that Colin Fortnam sent an email about the event together with a tariff as regards the rooms.

Normally you would hear direct from Colin but unfortunately he was taken ill just before Christmas and admitted to hospital and at the time of sending this he is still there however on talking to Rita it appears that the prognosis is good and hopefully he will be discharged very soon.

I appreciate that it is difficult to plan so far ahead for some but if at all possible I would be grateful if you would please making your Hotel booking as soon as you are able such booking to be made direct with the Mercure Hotel (the Club contact is Kirsty Westmacott).

Would you please let me know by email once your booking is made so that I can keep a record of numbers.

Looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, if you have any queries please let me know.

With kindest regards.

Robert Richmond-Jones (President)

Click here for link

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