Jottings 2010


December 2010

Vincent and Marsette Palmier have sent some pictures of there daughter's wedding.

Paulette and Gilbert got married on the 20th Novermber 2010 and they will leave for their honeymoon to Miami on the 29th December.


Vincent and Marsette Palmier

Paulette in Vincents Coupé

November 2010

The Classic Motor Show N.E.C.


Terry Humberstone's Goliath and Ian Davidson's Coupé with Eddie Connally's Coupé in the background.


The cars created a lot of interest over the weekend and we gained some new club members.

September 2010

Goodwood Revival 2010


Liz and Gavin Watson.

Teams ready for the St Mary's Trophy.

Water Heale and family at the Revival.


Club member George Osmsby is touring British Colombia with the Borgward Club America and has sent some pictures.


Hi Norman,
Well now, here we are with the Borgward Club of North America in Whistler British Columbia. There are cars from California, Washington, British Columbia and Minnesota. And of course a few of us from Canada. We have been touring for two days through some of the most beautiful mountains and valleys of British Columbia and have covered about 600 miles to date. Even Monica Borgward is here and has brought a copy of the new biography on her father. I will attach a few pictures for you all to look at. David Roccovits is here as well and sends greetings. I will follow up later with more story line. Particularly about his Tigre.

George Ormsby

August 2010

The club is sad to hear of the passing of Ken Brisco, who died earlier this year at the age of eighty. Ken was an early member (no.55) of the club and later rejoined upon the restoration of his Big 6. He was a Borgward enthusiast for most of his life. In his early days he owned Isabella saloons and in the late fifties/early sixties he used to rally one in Buckinghamshire and the surrounding counties. He used to recall that, the only car which could challenge the Isabella TS was the Series III Sunbeam Rapier (1494 cc, 78 BHP at 5,400 RPM).
Later, Ken owned a series of Big 6’s and it was the last of these that he had restored in the late nineties. With his wife, Thelma, and son, Terry, he took the car to the Borgward International meeting held at Velbert, in 2002. The car, in old English white, is now in the safe hands of Frank Fennell.

Gavin Watson will be at this months Goodwood Breakfast Club Meeting on 29th August from 8am weather permitting

Dave Burt's and Gavin Watson's saloons are in the September 2010 issue of Classic & Sports Car magazine. Dave's car is being road tested against a Peugeot 403 and Volvo Amazon on page 139 and Gavin in a section on the Goodwood Revival St Mary's Trophy race page 159.

The Goodwood Revival meeting is always a special event and with Gavin's car this year will be even more interesting. Borgward members are invited to meet Gavin and see the his car at Goodwood from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th September both on display and racing in the invitation only St Mary's Trophy on the 19th.

July 2010

Gavin Watson won Class B in the Masters Historic Racing 1950’s Invitation Race on 31st July This was a 45 min race that tested the endurance of all the cars in racing conditions.

Gavin's new engine ran perfectly but he is still not happy with the breathing and inlet manifold. He would love a to try a Borgward RS engine if he can get hold of one.

The cars next big event is the Goodwood Revival in September, by then more tweaking will have been done to engine and chassis.


June 2010

I have received an email from the "Classic Vehicle Union of China" although there are no Borgwards yet, classic cars are becoming very popular in the Peoples Republic.

Please allow me to briefly introduce Classic Vehicle Union of China(CVUC). It is the only official organization in the field of classic vehicle in China. In 2009, we joined in Federation Internationale des Vehicules Anciens (FIVA) and became the Chinese ANF of FIVA. ( the past few years, we have organized many classic car events, such as 2007 Century Touring Assembly, Beijing First Automobile Cultural Festival, Chinese Automobile Culture Expo, Forum of Collecting and Appreciating of Classic Cars and so on. Till now, CVUC has owned over 400 individual members and 800 classic vehicles. You can browse our website for detailed information:

In order to push forward the development of automobile culture and strengthen the ties with classic vehicle enthusiasts from all over the world, we will organize an event called “China Open of International Classic Cars 2010” from 24th Oct - 30th Oct 2010. It is FIVA B event and also the first large-scale classic cars event in China. ( We would appreciate if you recommend it to your members.

Zong Guian

Classic Cars in China

Ian Davidson's Coupé does it again! winning best car at this years Brooklands Enthusiasts Meeting. Well done.

Ian Davidson receiving his prize with Wendy and Danny Byrne in the Brooklands club house.

Ian Davidson's Coupé was chosen to go around the arena in this years Woking Hospice Classic Car Show on 6th June.

32th Enfield Pageant of Motoring May 29-31st

Peter Grove organized this years Enfield Pageant and the weather was fine for once if a little windy. Peter Groves Coupé was there as was Normans, Nick Driscoll arrived in his Deutsch Coupé, George Sinclair in his Combi and Dave Burt in his Saloon. Dave did not stop talking the whole time showing people around the cars both inside and out.

Peter Grove's Coupé

Peter polishing George Sinclair's car while Nick Driscoll does the same to his.

Dave Burt Checking Nick's Rear light.

May 2010

Vincent Palmier has sent this Celebration picture of his Coupé.

Vincent has written a dedication to Isabella:-


Peaceful, is the clock at night
Thicking away my life with might
Joyful childhood of days gone by
Memories that will never die.
My father's pride; a car he bought
Love at first sight, he thought
Though her life was short, she still had fame
Isabella, was her name.
The same great car I own today
Feeling a father's pride, the same
Driving along in pompous style
While heads turn round and hands wave high, lips utter
Wow, bella!
To My Isabella



I have scanned and uploading the 1955 Factory Isabella Workshop Manual. I hope to then scan the KD sheets soon.

John Wallis

April 2010

Borgward had a large presence at the Techno Classica Essen from 7th to 11 April.

This is the largest classic car show in the world with 170,000 visitors and an area of over 110,000 sq m

A Sawmill was the theme and the judges awarded a prize for the stand.

March 2010

Gavin Watson has been preparing a Borgward for Classic racing and has sent some pictures from her maiden voyage at Goodwood in filthy weather earlier this month.


Gavin's Car is the same colour and year as Bill Blydenstein's UUV 75

Gavin Watson Racing Page



Uwe Pawelski is arranging an Arabella meeting in Viechtach (Germany) from the 13th to 16th May.

"The actual status is 83 people coming with 35 Arabellas to Viechtach They are coming from Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, New Zealand, Germany and maybe Sweden, Belgium and France. The main days will be the 14th and 15th to give visitors from far away the chance for arrival and departure the day before and after. We have a little program on Friday and will arrange an excursion on Saturday with a barbeque in the evening under the sky if the weather is fine. If any information or help is needed anybody can contact me on".

Uwe Pawelski

We have had an email from Mr Paul Adams with some pictures of an Isabella Coupé in Maadi, Cairo

"I spotted this a couple of weeks ago when visiting my daughter in Cairo.
I learnt to drive in a '58 Isabella Combi in New Zealand

Paul Adams "

Note the seat belt top attachment.